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Personal Relationships



I sat down in the office for another job searching session. There's a friendly atmosphere there, and the extra four hours of dedicated internet time is proving useful, if not quite achieving the result I'm looking for. I'm collecting rejection letters from local employers. I hope to have the complete set by Christmas.


One of the staff members is H, a somewhat scatty woman who likes to trip over cables. She was sat on the next PC to mine, busy finishing off someones CV. If there's anything you can get from from government agencies and private companies these days, it's a fresh new CV guaranteed to boost your chances of getting that dream rejection letter.


She sighed and said "That's it, finished. You'd like her, Caldrail, she's just right for you."


Oh? She sends a lot of Dear John letters? Nonetheless, out of curiosity, I reached for her CV to see what sort of person she was, at least employment wise, but then you can never really believe a CV can you? Not that it mattered. With instant reactions, H pulled the CV out of my hand before I could read it.


"I should start a dating agency" Said H with some amusement. How about that? The government are setting me up for a date. I can just see the forms now... Application for Personal Relationship PR101.... Name... Address.... Telephone number.... List all my previous girlfriends.... State reasons for breaking up.... Do I have any record of bad habits?....


Situation Update

For those of you who have been following the recent illness of my poor aged computer... Now you are concerned aren't you? I notice no-one sent it a get well card. Sniff.... Well, I have some good news. Despite a threatening relapse I have managed to get the old codger up and running, even if he does run with a bit of a limp.


Well it's important to me ;)


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