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Digital Demand



Tony Blair once told us that he wanted everyone in Britain with an internet connecrtion. Now Gordon Brown is proclaiming "The Digital Revolution" and telling us that he sees the internet as an essential part of life, as much as basic services like gas, electricity, and water. The government sees this internet growth as part of their plan for recovery from the recession.


Well that's nice isn't it? Ordering breakfast by email to the missus, sending that spreadsheet to the kids so they know what chores to do today, and firing up Microsoft Dog-Walking Sim 2009, before logging on to your employers network and watch everyone you've never met compete for the biggest excuses of the day.


The government doesn't miss a trick does it? All this internet is great but you have to pay for it. Here in Blighty we only get free internet service if we pay for something else we usually don't want. A couple of years ago they laid all the fibreoptic cables in my area. Subsequently I've been bombarded by colour pamphlets telling me all this television, radio, telephone, mobile telephone, and tons of gigabytes download allowance is available for the low low price quoted. Then six months later you get to pay full whack.


They're already talking about the "digital divide", where some households have broadband and others don't. They really don't seem to grasp that some people have the money to pay for this service, and some don't. No, that's wrong, they do grasp that, but they don't want to foot the bill for this initiative when the public can spend their way out of recession for them. The "digital divide" isn't eventually going to be who has a broadband link or not, but who can pay. Then again, why worry whether Britains poor can log on? They've no money to spend.


Rush Hour of the Week

What a lovely morning. The sun is shining, everyone seems happy to go about their business, and there's a mad rush to get into the library. Of course The Flash is always first up the stairs these days - he's finally realised that rushing around the coffee bar serves no useful purpose - but it seems now others are falling prey to that contagious mood. Not me. I'm too relaxed. I'll just saunter to my favourite PC, and... Huh? Booked? Aww pooh... Okay, lets find another available computer... Booked... Booked.... Busy.... Not working.... Booked....


Okay. I'm starting to panic. Unless I find a free computer soon, the government will send me a red letter demanding to know why I haven't logged on....



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