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Natural Rythmns



Morning has broken. I can sort of tell that from the light coming through the curtains. Even better, the colour of the light varies according to the weather, so I know what sort of day it is before I summon the will to get out of bed. A grey sombre look for rainy days, a dull rosey glow in snow, and a brighter glow in the sunshine reflected off the abandoned college building. Boy are my natural rythmns going to be upset when they pull that one down.


So now it's time for my daily stroll down to the library. You see, my minimalist preparation is a grreat excuse for my lack of fashion sense. Hey, I'm an individual, me. So are my socks. Finding a matching pair that early in the day is one of my personal challenges, followed by the gymnastic event "putting on trousers whilst sleepy".


Ablutions... Don't talk to me about ablutions.... Yep, there's another toothpaste stain on my tee-shirt. It looks like I drink gloss white paint and dribble a lot. Anyhow, time to open the curtains at the front window and... Yes... I forgot to do up my flies. I'm standing outstretched in an upstairs window with open trousers as a double decker bus stops at the pedestrian crossing outside my home. Why is always groups of young ladies who spot this sort of thing?


Car Park Conundrum

Now here's the thing. At the bottom of the hill I pass the College Car Park, which at that time of the morning is still filling up with cars. There's always at least one random prestige car parked there right beside the low concrete wall by the pavement. Porsche, Aston Martin, Maserati, BMW. Never used to see that when the economy was thriving. Now that the economy is failing and house prices are ridiculously inflated, everyone's buying hugely expensive prestige cars. Looks like the trend is to keep up with the Joneses expenses.


Weather of the Week

My usual method of forecasting the weather is glancing out the window. However, whilst flicking through my email site, I've discovered that this weekend there's a possibility of thunderstorms. Now that would explain the great heaps of cumulus cloud that filled the sky yesterday (today is just a patchwork of those flat-bottomed puffy clouds that don't do anything except drift past). It all seems very safe and secure doesn't it? Oh no, this is Britain. Our weather just hides waiting for the foolish to venture outside....



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