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Deep in the Heart of Texas



Thanks to last year's baseball excursion, I had a $300 voucher to fly anywhere in the continental US on American Airlines, and decided a while back to use it to go down to San Antonio and Austin. Outside of a trip back here 2 years ago to defend the dissertation--when I was so focused on that one element that I didn't do anything else--I haven't been back since I left 4 years ago. There are a lot of people here that I came to care about, and I wanted to visit them. And, well, Austin is an outstanding city that I fell in love with--just that I don't really care for the rest of the state.


Anyway, I've been back here for a few days now. Had a great visit with Roc


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Heh yeah, that line gets used a lot. This might be the only place on earth where a country bar is situated next door to a jazz club, which is next to a salsa bar...all in the main entertainment district...and no one bats an eyelash.

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Interesting. I guess if I am ever forced to move to Texas for some ungodly reason, I'll go to Austin.


Do they have good museums, libraries, art galleries, etc?

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Libraries: check...in particular the ones at the University of Texas.

Museums: check, sorta...they're ok, but the bigger collections are at Houston. But the UT museums usually have pretty good exhibits, too. Austin Museum of Art has been steadily growing in endowments and in quality over the years, however.

Art Galleries: see 'Museums'.


I mean, it's cool here, and all, but Austin is not Atlanta, for example, let alone some of the major cities in the country.

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