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Is There Justice?



Yesterday I was browsing the net and just for a laugh did a search on my name (the real one, not my UNRV moniker). What's this? A facebook entry? Lets check it out....


Imposter! There's a guy in London pretending to be me! Here's a little clue if you ever get confused. He likes icelandic music, I don't. Thanks to social networking, he's more famous than I am. There is no justice!


Or Perhaps There Is...

Last night I starting reading a novel - a pleasure I rarely get time to indulge in these days - and from outside in the street the noise of a crowd of revellers became apparent. Nothing unusual there, but in this case, they stayed outside the house. Naturally I got curious and on looking out the window, two 'Street Pastors' in uniform were warding the crowd off.


'Street Pastor'? What on earth is that all about? Not that I'm complaining of course, and it did save me the bother of clearing up discarded litter this morning. Then again, since I made the Council aware of the littering problem, are these 'Street Pastors' the answer? Well, it seems for the time being my castle is guarded. Hey, I might even finish this novel.

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