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Sad News



My computer is not well. He's in a coma. No matter what I do, he refuses to boot up. So today I could no more than take him to hospital. There, the repair technicians are drinking endless cups of coffee trying to figure out what is wrong.


A quick visit to the hospital before it closed for business today wasn't encouraging. They wouldn't let me see him, and the receptionist told me that the computer has not yet regained conciousness. He's getting a bit old now I suppose, and deep down you know that one day his circuit boards will go inert for the last time. Sniff. Hang in there old buddy.


Finding Things To Do

It's incredible how dependent I've gotten on that heavy plastic box. Most of my hobbies now connect with it in some way or other. The second thing I'm missing is the car. Without one my horizons have shrunk alarmingly. The third thing I'm missing is enough income to go out and enjoy myself. The government don't pay me to be happy.


Not to worry. There's plenty of things for me to get on with. Maybe even things to go and do. There is a world out there after all. Even if it is pouring with rain all weekend.


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