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Everybody Needs Somebody



What is it about relationships that are so amazing, yet so unpredictable? I mean, you date for years and years...you make some connections, but nothing that sweeps you off your feet for the majority of the time. You put yourself into periods of drought...and then you meet someone who seems to understand you so completely, so quickly...well, things just seem to fall into place.



My brother Matt proposed to his lady, and she did accept...that was the news of last week. In a way, I think we all kinda knew it would happen. Sure the relationship went a little fast, but it just was meant to be. That, and this sort of thing runs in my family; from the day my parents met to the day they were married was not even 11 months. Ok, it'll be longer than that for Matt and Jessica--they're planning the wedding to be in September of 2010--but they only started seeing each other like 9 months ago, and moved in together a few months ago. And she's an awesome chica; very bubbly, warm, open, kind. I'm really happy that she's going to be my sister-in-law.



My brother Mark, who is notorious for his lack of passion for life and lack of want for a commitment in any realm, is also seeing someone. Sarah (good name!) is an opera singer, who he met through a friend. Things have been going well, evidently...Mark's only thoughts are that, hey, he likes being around her, and she's not needy...just really down to earth and a good person. There's hope, I tells ya.



And me? Well, yes, there's someone new in my life, someone who has very possibly stolen my heart. No real details here, but suffice it to say that my world is definitively rosier when he's around, both instinctually and intellectually. I'm getting ready to go off for 6 days to Texas to see a couple of my best friends, and while I'm quite excited to go, there's a part of me that would love to stay around. Eh, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and all that. Besides, I think I need a bit of away time...my head's been spinning and my heart racing for the last few days. ;):)


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His name is auspicious!


eeeghknnorrst = "Stronger Enekh"


Enekh: ancient Egyptian name element, meaning "life; spirit."


-- Nephele

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Wow Doc, you're dating a viking! I reckon it's those beards that do it. or maybe the horny helmets? Well, I won't intrude, I daresay there's a lot of pillaging to do ;)

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His name is auspicious!


eeeghknnorrst = "Stronger Enekh"


Enekh: ancient Egyptian name element, meaning "life; spirit."


-- Nephele


That's much better than "Stronger Eunuch". I don't care to think about that. ;)

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