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You have to wonder at the motives of North Korea. They push their atomic program in directions that raise suspicions of the outside world, fire missiles into the pacific and call it a satellite launch, and now throw away the truce agreed with South Korea after their own cold war that lasted since the 50's.


How do you deal with a country that has this mindset? They seem so wrapped up in their own propaganda. Then again, I think the North Korean leadership found out that staying in power during peacetime was too difficult. Much easier to strut around with long ranks of AK's and missile trucks, waving flags and singing "There'll Be Bluebirds Over, The White Cliffs of Pyongyang". I can't help feeling that there's an element of Big Brother here. In true George Orwellian style, North Korea is inventing a tense political situation to frighten and bind its citizens to motivate patriotic sentiment of its citizens in the face of appalling poverty. It's all a big gamble isn't it?


Sabre Rattle of the Week

Behind me a young man coughed and hid a derisive comment behind his hand. Wow. What a man. Making nasty comments under cover of splutters behind their targets back. Definitely a man to frightened of? Erm... Nope. Go away you silly little boy.


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