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Follow All Blogs At Unrv.com With A Newsreader



I am not sure if all people know what a rss feed and a feedread is, so i will explain it a bit first...


RSS is a format for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites, including major news sites like Wired, news-oriented community sites like Slashdot, and personal weblogs. But it's not just for news. Pretty much anything that can be broken down into discrete items can be syndicated via RSS: the "recent changes" page of a wiki, a changelog of CVS checkins, even the revision history of a book. Once information about each item is in RSS format, an RSS-aware program can check the feed for changes and react to the changes in an appropriate way.
more information here ---> What is RSS


Now that you know what rss is, and that the Unrv.com Blog has a RSS Feed, you need a RSS Reader to get that info without actually having to go to the site. For example i use Firefox (you should too) and there is a simple Rss Reader extension called Wizz RSS News Reader, just install that and then you get a nice RSS Agregator Toolbar, where you can add categories and Channels. For example, you create a category called UNRV then you create within the category UNRV a channel you give it the name Blogs and add underneath the rss fead of the UNRV.com blogs http://www.unrv.com/forum/index.php?automo...g&cmd=syndicate


Now what happens is when you switch on your computer and you click on the RSS feader and then click on channels you will see immediately if there are new entries in the blog, just click then on the new entry sentence and you are brought to the actual blog, well it is easy and every one should use it, saves time keeps you up to date and oh btw our main site has a RSS Feed too :ph34r:





p.s. if this is all confusing, let me know and i am happy to answer all questions...


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