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Sunshine and Storms



What a weekend. Hot sunny weather is something to be treasured. On my way through Town Gardens I just couldn't resist the temptation for a midday siesta, so I chose a wooden bench in a secluded spot and leant back. The sun was very hot. Even with my eyes closed I could see the light as a pale redness through my eyelids. Although the air wasn't actually warm, the gentle breeze felt like a welcome break.


My first interruption was a wood pidgeon making his moves on that classy female on the next bough. At first he tried to attract her attention with the typical Hooooohooo Hoohoo noises. She wasn't impressed. Then he went for it in the vain hope she'd comply and for a few minutes they tussled in the foliage until she convinced him his birdiness wasn't up to it.


The second interruption were a couple of boys playing in the turnstiles of the Town Gardens Bowl (a concrete open air theater stage - I played a gig there in 1990). Bored with pretending to be stuck, they started yelling "Hey you! The bloke on the bench!". They got bored of that soon afterward.


Eventually families started colonising the secluded spot so it was time to move. I didn't mind of course, they had every right to be there, and they were actually well behaved. But that was a nice day.


Bank Holiday Weather

Yes, the weekend was a Bank Holiday, which means it's Recovery Monday today. The sun is trying to break out but we've had some rain already, and thunderstorms predicted for the afternoon. It never fails. It always rains on a Bank Holiday.


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