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As I write this I'm listening to the guy sat in the next cubicle as he tries manfully to arouse interest in a young woman of his acquaintance. He keeps insisting he needs to buy a hammer in order to bang some curtains in. Whatever that means. He insists that intelligent people should use double beds to sleep in. By now you're probably getting the idea of what he wants.


His girlfriend asks why he needs a hammer anyway, because he can't afford one. Apparently he can, the 99p shop does them. No they don't she says. They probably do he responds.


Part of the problem is that she's busy on the internet, apart from her mobile phone going off regularly. He of course tries again to restart the coversation. He's going to a gym. In a few months he's going to have a back like a caveman - his words, not mine. She's not impressed, any more than I am, and whinges that girlfriends should come first.


He yawns, a sure sign of increased frustratiion and boredom. I don't think he realises that she's getting more attention from the chatsite on the computer. Oh hang on, yes he has, he's moaning that her PC is more important than his gym. She hisses at him, telling him to shut his mouth, and he warns her he's about to go.


Which of course he doesn't. Ahhh..... Youing love....


Soap Opera of the Week

The young woman finally lost her rag with her companion as he complained about her willingness to spend another twelve minutes on the computer. Turns out he's an ex-boyfriend. None of her other ex-boyfriends are so pushy. Wow. Eastenders in the flesh. Why sit vegetating in front of a television when you can get class action like this in a public library?


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I wonder how that could be. The uneducated youth, which obviously exists in California as Wiltshire, often displays a system of relative enthusiasm and poor dialogue. I find it interesting, and baffling, that such people could inspire a novel. It's hard to see any of them with any passion or insight as to the human condition, and lets be honest, if you write a novel based on them it ain't gonna be Romeo & Juliet!


I didn't know you were writing one. Good luck with that.

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Actually, it's quite easy once the right Muse comes your way. I didn't realize how easy it was to get the story out of my head! (I wish my dissertation had been this easy...yikes) The hard part is fleshing it out and sticking with it. But so many things could be turned into a story.--ok, mine is not going to be even 200 pages, as I'm really trying for a novella--with just a bit of imagination.


With this one, the muse came to me in much the same situation as you described: I was sitting at my favorite coffee and pastry shop one summers evening last year, and overhead the conversation of a couple who was sitting two tables over. I swear, every single love clich

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