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Not of This World



Right then. Time to to meet my contractual obligations and earn my benefit payments. So its off to the office and another session of the training programme. Seeing as I'm officially famous and a genuine unemployed person, I think today I really must make the effort and dress in typically grungie fashion. Cue Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees and lots of silly dancing in front of mirrors.


Having dressed the part it's down the stairs and out into the big wide world. There's no stopping me today... Hello?... Who's that in next doors front yard?... A little old lady about four feet tall is busy pulling up weeds and putting them in her supermarket organic produce bag. Yes... Well.... Think I'll leave her to it. She;'s happy. I suspect her customers are too even if they don't know where these mystical potions are coming from.


Session of the Week

"Can I help you?" Asked the woman at the office. I pointed out I was there for my afternoon session and she relaxed a bit. "Come with me please."


Sigh. It's a pokey little office and I already know I'm going to be in the back room. But she's happy, so I follow behind and smile gratefully when she beckons me toward the door. The guys inside told me to choose a PC and get right on it. The job search I mean, not the computer. At least I think that's what he meant.


Oh no. I've forgotten my memory stick and I don't have my CV with me. So I'll have to type it out all over again... Boredom Level One.... De Ja Vu.


I've got a great list of websites to work through which means I have to register for every search engine on it one after the other.... Boredom Level Two.... Losing the ability to move facial muscles.


The man in charge says we can go home five minutes early because we've been good little boys and girls. I've worked very hard these last two sessions and currently the entire civilised world has access to my CV. So far I've had one email asking me why I want to work for their client... This is a joke, right?... Guess not, so I'll have to invent a clever answer... Boredom Level Three... Irreversible brain damage.


Now the man in charge tells me that having uploaded my CV to every planet with intelligent life (there's a huge number of advanced civilisations out there according to statistical studies) I'll have to do that every again every two weeks because otherwise these super intelligent space aliens get bored and won't read my CV. I know. I'll offer them my Self Marketing Voucher.


Yep. Us long term unemployed can now can now present a voucher from the government saying "Employ me and get cash, free". It's a bit like tuning your radio to the frequencies used by Alpha Centauri and saying "Hey guys, abduct me please? We'll throw in a free cow."



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Meanwhile on AC II



Hey guys ! Look at this ! They are giving away free cows on Sol III ! Say, don't we need a cow to run that nuclear fision plant on AC/DC ? The last one we had did an excellent job for three years, but now of course she has gone into business of her own. Started up her own little plant.



Sure, we can always use a good cow ! We have a vacancy at the Hyperspace Control Center too. We need a cow urgently to fill that one.



Yeah ! And all we have to do is buy a human ! And they are dirt cheap this week ! Don't you just love human ?



Yeah, man ! I love human too. Call me weird, but the bit about them I like best is the tongue. Marinate for a day, then stew gently in a wine-and-garlic sauce with some Basil and Rosemary.

Say guys, do we still have some of that Basil left ?



Sure ! A whole leg at least. But we finished off the last of that Rosemary yesterday. Maybe order another one, while you're at it. Love that Rosemary.




#Love, love, love. Love, love, love. Love, love, love. All you need is love, all you need is love, all you need is love, love, love is all you need, love is all you need, love is all you need !#


(weren't they just simply the best songwriters ever ? )


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