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Every year the English go one better than spending a weekend parked on a Bank Holiday motorway. They go on their summer hols. I always find it remarkable that the English generally regard the rest of the world as their playground.


The most popular playground for many years has been Spain. Now up until now I always thought this was because Spanish hotels were so unfinished that it didn't matter if drunken English tourists wrecked them. We English do like to remind other countries of our victories over them and indeed we did clout the Spanish in 1588. So every year we hold re-enactments in nightclubs all over Spain just to make sure they haven't forgotten.


It is interesting that one Roman writer commented on the similarity between the Spanish and some British tribes, especially since it now appears that Basque natives were amongst the first settlers of Britain, crossing the Ice Age river valley that is now the English Channel. So it seems the popularity of our Spanish hols is nothing more than a migration instinct, as the British return home empty handed after their hunting trip and expect to get drunk instead. No wonder fights break out. It also explains the British tea break, that infamous ritual where no-one does anything for twenty minutes, a mutated descendant of the siesta (since the British Isles are never sunny). In fact, is our need to head for half-completed Spanish resorts a deeply rooted instinct for an annual siesta?


This half baked theory has been brought to you by the Independent Peanut Republic of Rushey Platt. "Flying the flag for Spanish ex-pats"


Pic of the Day

Another sunset. We get a lot of those in Swindon.



Job Vacancy of the Week

Occaisionally I still come across a job vacancy. Despite the best efforts of our current government, some companies still manage to find enough profit to pay someone to work. I was alerted about this one by a telephone service who told me there was a part time warehouse job available. What are the hours? School hours? What's that all about?


Anyway I rang the agency who are determined to find someone desperate enough to enslave themselves and asked them. Apparently the job is intended for working mums wanting to earn a few quid while their demonic offspring are someones elses problem. What on earth could possibly interest me in a job working for a warehouse full of bored mothers whose families are somewhere else?



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Funny you should say that Caldrail because I depart for sunny Spain on Tuesday for two weeks of all inclusive sun, sea, sand and sangria. While it may not be your cup of tea and if I'm perfectly honest it's not at the top of my holiday destinations either but when you've got two young children, and all they want to do is play in the pool or go to the beach or the kids club and make new friends, and don't want to be sat on a plane or in a car for hours on end then Spain is a pretty ideal destination.


We always tend to stay clear of the stereotypical Spain you mentioned with high rise run down hotels and streets full of English bars selling the "full Monty" English breakfast. We're going to an holiday village on the coast which is totally family orientated so there's no lager louts( apart from me :D ) with union jack shorts and British Bulldog tattoo's etc Just swimming pools, water slides, good food, drink and entertainment, just perfect for a two week break in the sun. Plus there's a couple of Roman watch towers spread out along the coast with in walking distance of our resort so at least I might get a little bit of culture during my stay.

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