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UNRV Anual Digital Classics Conference



...last night i had a really strange dream,we were hosting a conference for publisher and authors, but who knows maybe i just glimpsed into the future...



UNRV Anual Digital Classics Conference London


UNRV ADCC Agenda Overview


09:00am-9:15am Conference Welcome by Chris Heaton


09:15am-10:00am Opening Keynote by Elinor Hirschhorn (Executive Vice President, Chief Digital Officer Simon & Schuster) Classics in the Digital Age - Challenge and Opportunity


10:00am-11:15am Adrian Goldsworthy - How to write for the mainstream without compromising quality


11:15am-11:45am Coffee and Tea


11:45am-12:30pm Caroline Lawrence - Children and the Classics - Why you shouldnt write for little adults but for Kids


12:30pm-13:15pm Andrew Brown, (Managing Director, Cambridge University Press) - Meeting the needs of authors, readers and publishers


13:15pm-14:45pm Lunch


14:45pm-15:30pm Professor Mary Beard, (Classics editor of the TLS) - Engaging the Reader/How to make your writing come alive


15:30pm-16:15pm Olivia Hetreed, (screenwriter) - From the Book to the Screen - Insights from a screenwriter


16:15am-16:45am Coffee and Tea


16:45pm-17:30pm Steven Kessel, (Senior Vice President Amazon) - Kindle/How to profit from electronic books


17:30pm-18:30pm Live Panel - Discussion with all participating speakers who will answer questions from the audience


...i dream of weird things, right?


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"11:45am-12:30pm Caroline Lawrence - Children and the Classics - Why you shouldnt write for little adults but for Kids"


Haha! I have to tell Caroline that she was in your dreams!


-- Nephele

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Ooooh, if you ever think of hosting a conference, can I help organise?? I enjoy this sort of thing. It's not for nothing that I ended up working as a project manager. ;)

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Firstly, Ursus, why do you always have to lower the tone and get everyone naked?? and secondly if every one's gonna be starkers, where do I buy my bloody ticket!!!!!


A naked ancient history conference!!!!! That certainly is the stuff dreams are made of!!! ;)

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Ooooh, if you ever think of hosting a conference, can I help organise?? I enjoy this sort of thing. It's not for nothing that I ended up working as a project manager. :D


...sure no problemo, sooner or later it is going to happen, :)

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