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Manic Monday



...and Tuesday, and Wednesday...well, you get the drift.


Yes, it's been about 3 weeks since I've had time to sit down here and update...actually, it's been almost 2 weeks since I've had time to log into the site. So, just to catch you up....


  • Honolulu was absolutely spectacular...but 4 1/2 days isn't nearly long enough. Love it, loved spending my time doing exactly what I wanted to do, nothing more and nothing less. Wish I could do this vacation thing more often.
  • Got back, and had a shit-ton of stuff to do (yes, that's an official American phrase...it works well, doncha think?). Busted my ass to get everything done.
  • Hit my proverbial wall. I do this every few months, after I'm go into extra-ludicrous-high gear (which, by the by, is much faster than my usual damn-she's-hyper high gear), I need about a week or so to recover. Oh, I still work and get stuff done, but just the minimum...the rest of the time I can be found outside, or even inside, not expending much energy.
  • The weather here for a stretch was gorgeous...even the beaches here got to 80'F. Definitely put the time in there...I even have the tan lines from my flip-flops to prove it.
  • Now I'm back to busy mode...lots of end-of-semester stuff to get to.

Oh, and I'm starting a relationship with someone...more on that later...but definitely he's taking precedence over you folk. Nothing personal, you understand :D


Oh, and in the last 2 weeks I've gone to the gym more often...and lo and behold, I've dropped another 10 pounds. If I keep this up, I'll be to my 'goal' in a few months, at which point I'll be crowing from the top of my apartment/house...you'll hear me from all over.


So, if I get all quiet on you guys, well, now you know. 4 more weeks of class, then finals...I'll be on more regularly then. For now, just a quick 'hello', and I'm off! I'll be back soon enough, I promise!


(BTW, Vig's following me on Twitter (nicely done!)...it might be best to follow me there for the next couple of weeks. If you need directions, let me know.)


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