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Call me Director



...so, i am now proud director of a UK Private Limited, the company is situated in Stockport near Manchester, although i have no idea what i am going to do with that, i feel important for now :D

...i convinced a friend of mine that it would be a good idea to have in his CV a UK Limited company hehe, and it is a rather nice Tax Shelter when it comes to personal income that you do on the side...


so here it goes....

The Registrar of Companies for England and Wales hereby certifies that




is this day incorporated under the Companies Act 1985 as a private

company and that the company is limited.


...but wait, uh, what about Scotland and Northern Ireland?



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yup there is no cheaper way to make a limited company in europe :P


to have the same rights with an austrian equivalent Ges.mbH i would need 30 times the amount to actually start it, and the british insolvency law is a beauty...


p.s. just to clarify i might have explained wrong, for the company austrian law is applicaple (including tax), the huge benefit is stated above (but still if i would work from the UK i would pay much less tax)

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