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The Annual Chocolate Fest



I don't know if anyone's noticed, but it's Easter Weekend. Yes, the Annual Chocolate Fest is upon us again. I should know, there's been a party in the small yard behind the garage. Lights, loud music, and a steady stream of curious people wondering who's making all the noise now the pubs have closed. It started in the afternoon, and by the early hours of the morning, was still going strong. Amazing what an excess of chocolate will do to some people.


Public health advice - Please be aware that chocolate is poisonous. Twenty two pounds of it is a lethal dose. Please gorge sensibly.


Meanwhile, Back At The World Stage...

Fear not, Planet Earth. Brown-Man is here to save us. And Captain Obama is here to save Brown-Man. Just in case you were worried about the economic climate and the supply of easter eggs.


Growth Industry of the Week

An addiction to chocolate confectionary has gripped Somalia. So much so that they're resorting to piracy to pay for the easter eggs. I do notice though that Somali fishermen are now complaining about the pirates because it makes their livelihoods much less secure. The money changing hands at the moment is huge and only a few are benefitting from it. Up until now it's all been a bit gentlemanly but after the capture and ransom of an American captain, I can't help wondering if the next growth industry is going to be military action. After all, the Americans have some very bitter memories of Somalia.


Roundabout of the Week

Anyone who knows anything about Swindon, at least those who admit to such forbidden knowledge, will have heard about the Magic Roundabout. A survey has declared our well loved road junction as the second worst in the country. One suspects the drivers questioned were the second worst motorists in Britain, but then the roadside repair company that made the survey also chose not to employ me. Just shows what they know.



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