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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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What goes on when we close our eyes? What are we doing when we think we are asleep? Those knights and dragons, warriors and faraway lands on worlds beond the sun are real. If they aren't real here, physically, they are real only in that they are real to us. What is the significance, to us, of these lands of our dreams? Are they simply an escape from the waking world of biting reality or are they something more? Do our lives of faraway lands only seen in the night through sleeping eyes matter as much to us as do the lives we know, have grown accustomed to? They should. Some cultures believe that when you sleep your soul leaves your body. I do not think this is so for the soul can never leave. But a part of you can, and often does. Are you aware? Do you know? How do dreams affect us, and we don't even know it. Often I wake feeling the pain of wounds gained in dreams. Are they real to me? Yes. I don't know where I go, but I know that it's real. To me at least. For it exists in my own mind, and that space between my ears is space. It's real. They exist somewhere. I exist. Somewhere. Maybe I'm just someone elses dream. Maybe life is a dream, and I will wake. When I do, where will I be? Will I be in the faraway lands that so many dream of? Is this a dream? When I go to sleep at night am I really waking up? It's possible. But how will I know, if I am asleep or awake. How will I know if it's day or night. Is it day? The sun is just rising. Or is that the moon in the land of dreams?


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