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Packing Misery



Currently packing my bags and hating every moment of it. I'm flying back to Europe tomorrow evening and while I don't mind the long-haul flight too much (I always find ways to entertain myself on the plane :D ), I absolutely loathe the packing routine that precedes it. It normally takes me about two days to get the job done. The worst part is not actually deciding which clothes and shoes to take along but to find a place for the "little things" i.e. toiletries, books, camera, travel documents and so on. I'm only allowed to take one suitcase with me yet I expect to get away with "sneaking" several bags in as hand luggage. This time, my estimate is about 3 to 4 bags of different shapes and sizes. Not looking forward to dragging all this stuff around with me but I think it's the only way to take what I need with me. One would expect the check-in people to be understanding towards passengers who have spent over four months away from home but alas this is not normally the case. This means I'll be leaving a smaller suitcase filled with the left-over stuff at my parents', as well as a big backpack from a previous visit. Luckily they have enough space at their place.


On a more cheerful note (if I don't take the probable bad weather into account) I'm actually looking forward to going back to Belgium. I have a busy month ahead of me: two job interviews and an assessment test for an MBA programme I'm thinking of enrolling in for the next year. I'm more nervous about the test than the interviews. It involves maths, which always makes me apprehensive. And given that I haven't studied as much as I think I should, my self-confidence is kinda low at the moment. Hmmm, guess I've just figured what I'll be doing during the 11-hour flight tomorrow...


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