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Hmmm...perhaps the title should be instead: Mai Tai Ville?


Tomorrow morning I'm off for a 4+ day holiday to Honolulu...a long overdue return to that special place. Oh, sure, there are other areas in the Hawaiian Islands that I want to explore. Actually, to be perfectly honest, I want to see all of them. However, Dad's in Honolulu for 3 weeks, and I decided that I would join him.


This trip marks the first big trip of 2009 for me...and it won't be the last. I know I'll be going to Austin and San Antonio in June to visit two of my best friends. I'll be in Philly right after Christmas for the MLA again, but might be able to swing a trip up to NYC after that...who knows (Neph, don't get your hopes up quite yet!). For once in my life, I can actually afford to go on these trips. Airfare is cheap ($450 for a RT ticket to HNL!!??), and I am making enough money to put in the bank, so that instead of working I can take some time off. True enough, I wanted to take a grander vacation this summer--I have a free ticket on American Airlines. and was going to use it to go to NYC for a few days in the summer before purchasing a ticket from there to either Spain or Italy--but since I don't have a teaching position lined up for the summer, well, there's no extra spending money. On the other hand, I get to see two close people in my life, and that's ok, too.


So, I dropped Bella off at the borders' this afternoon and then got stuck into some cleaning. Sure, it doesn't sound glamorous, but there's something about coming home after a trip to a spotless (or close to it) dwelling. Thing is, once I finished, I really was looking for her...just to cuddle a bit, or play in the backyard. Nope, she's less than a mile away...I leave early in the morning, so I needed to be able to drop her off today. Anyway, I've been reading, cooking (gotta use up the last of the fresh veggies before I go away for a few days), and now I'm bored. I could read some more, but I've had just enough wine (hey, it was open...gotta drink it before it turns to vinegar), so the thought of reading isn't very appealing. I have 20 minutes until the Sharks play, so I'll watch that...but it won't be the same. I'm half missing Bella, half geeked up for this trip.


I think it's the anticipation that kills ya. You want to get to your destination...you want to (in my case) hit the beach, go play in the warm water, and enjoy a well-earned vacation. But I have to wait. I've even checked in online and printed my boarding pass, and set up shuttle service from the airport to the hotel in Honolulu. I've already packed all that I can; the only thing left is my BlackBerry, the charger, and my toothbrush. I guess in theory I could work, but there's no way on God's Green Earth that I'm gonna look at work right now. I'm on vacation, dammit...that can sit and wait. I'd use saltier language, which is really what I'm thinking, but, well, I'm supposed to be chill. Relaxed.


Hmmm...time to watch hockey :D That'll keep me entertained for a few hours.


So, seeyas on the beach, everyone. Mai tais and pi


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