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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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Mr. Roboto



So here I am. I caved in. I am a weak individual who could not stand to be on the island anymore.


Which island, you ask? The one where people refuse to purchase let alone use some sort of PDA.


Yesterday I went into my cell-phone-carrier's store, wanting to ask some questions. After getting my answers, I also inquired about a notice on my account which declared that I was eligible for a big device upgrade. The guy looked up my account and, to his surprise, it was true. When I asked what I could get, he noted that I could get the most expensive devices for under $100. On top of that, I could turn in my old cell phone and get a credit.


Now, I have been holding out on getting anything like a Blackberry for a long time, citing my lack of need. But increasingly I'm noticing how much easier it would be to have my ever-busy schedule at my fingertips. Or, say, be able to text people without wearing out the buttons on my number pad. Or check email while out.


So I caved.


As I type this from my crackberry, I'm on campus, staring at a gorgeous scene of the hills, the sun, and the fingers of fog which want to linger. And somehow, I'm ok with this.


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