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If you've seen the film Ghostbusters you'll know it starts with a scary ghost in a New York Library. Well, Swindon isn't exactly spook central, and most of our ghosts inhabit pubs. However, according to our local paper, 'Ghostbusters' have been to Swindon to exorcise a haunting on somebodies premises.


Thats a huge leap in ghostly goings on. Imagine the usual amount of supernatural activity in Swindon is.. say... this Mars Bar. This latest event reveals a Mars Bar with... 20% extra, free.


This is a huge portent. Swindon is headed for a supernatural meltdown of biblical proportions. We are talking 'end of the world', Wrath of God stuff. Giant Marshmallow men will be grinning as they stomp on Swindonians. The best bit is since I've locked myself out of the flat occaisionally, I'm expecting a cataclysmic encounter with Sigourney Weaver.


Unless of course, the whole thing is nonsense.


Conversationalist of the Week

As sometimes happens, the library computers are offline this morning. We all sit around reading books and so forth waiting for some geek downstairs to realise you have to plug them in. Trouble is, there's a young man of dubious intellectal capacity who just won't shut up. He can't log on. He can't log on again. Why can't he log on? Did you see the football last night? He's got two weeks off College. Hey, he's logged on. He's logged on everybody. Yeah, but Man United lost against them last year...


There's going to be another ghost in Swindon if he doesn't shut up.


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The house I live in is 140 or so years old (I thought it was 120...I was mistaken!), and *supposedly* there are ghosts. Let's face it, the number of people who were born and/or have died in that place, well, odds are probably good, if you believe in that stuff. The only ghosts I have heard is the one upstairs...my neighbor, Hank, who at times goes thump in the night when he comes home late after a gig and has enjoyed himself a bit too much.

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What is a ghost? Is it a remnant spirit? A recording of past events imprinted on the solid reality of our surroundings? A fold in space that allows vision of past events? or just bats in the belfry?


In mosty cases I suspect its no more that our pattern recognition system working overtime. There was one case in England recently though where a cctv caught some guy in tudor costume peering out a fire escape door. When checked out, the guards found that no-one had accessed that part of the building. Spooky!


Actually, come to think of it, didn't someone take a photo of a phantasm staring out of a window just recently?

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