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The Lad's Still Keen



So where was I at 09:25 this morning? Bet you can't guess... Oh, ok, you can. And you're right I was, waiting for the security guard to open the doors.


This morning the security guard began opening the doors, beginning with the coffee bar. A certain young man determined to be first up the stairs, brushed past and rushed inside, making his way around the back of the stairwell. Unfortunately on this occaision, he hadn't noticed the other guard opening the door to the stairway at the same time. So we all tramped up the stairs whilst he rushed round to see the queue meandering to the third floor.


You have to admire his keenness.


Driver of the Week

Leaving the library I crossed the junction and began making my way to the hill. Its a busy circular convergence of routes and as the traffic lights changed, the usual chariot race to get the best lane on exit took place. One driver had obviously gotten bored with waiting at the lights and opened a can, which he chucked out the window as he floored the accelerator. It made quite a racket as it bounced on the tarmac.


Thing is, we don't see much of that behaviour in England. Littering is after all a heinous crime second only Warming The Climate, and punishable with a hefty fine. But then he was driving an ordinary car, so I guess in the eyes of some people it's more acceptable.


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