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Putting People Straight



According to the news, there's a record number of people being given counselling to make them give up being gay and go straight.


You know, I can't help feeling all this gay stuff is just ridiculous. To be fair, I don't know a lot about it (don't want to, it sounds a bit undesirable to my traditionalist view) but having been on the receiving end of ignorant opinion depicting me as one of their number, I do have some sympathy for those that choose that lifestyle.


Thats the trick isn't it? It's a lifestyle choice. I see all this justification about chromosomes and such but such behaviour is a cultural choice. I was watching a program about Japanese Samurai warriors the other day. It turns out that they were advised to sleep with their swords, because wives could not be trusted. Further, they fostered close and sometimes oddly romantic relationships amongst each other, to compensate for their lack of warmth in female realtionships. They didn't see it a gay issue, it was simply what was acceptable and normal to them. I understand that most gays in the modern west are 'happily' married with kids, leaving their real proclivities to a seedy and risque secret life. Fact is, many of them go about their business right under the noses of their mates. There's a gay club at the bottom of the hill where I live, but you never see anyone coming in or out.


When I used to work for one particular warehouse, I was labelled gay. Now an insult or two means nothing, but the lads decided that since I wouldn't 'admit it' (or accept their opinion was superior because they were higher in a pecking order more like) I got a whole load of grief for the better part of a decade. There really were some malicious characters in there.


The funny thing was, one morning one of their mates whom they socialised with on a regular saturday night turned around and told them he was gay, moving out of his girlfriends house to live with his boyfriend, and thanks for all the pints. I wish I could have seen their faces.


I suppose I could beat my chest like they do and boast in true celtic fashion about who I slept with, but then gentlemen don't tell. Truth be told, I'm just not interested in their pecking order. Just their girlfriends.


Seven Year Itch of the Week

Well it getting obvious isn't it? I'm at that delicate middle-aged point of desperately hanging on to whatever youth I have left. I also think employers are partly to blame. They seem so determined to turn me in to something else, to sweep away my happy individuality and replace it with banal conformity.


No, I won't conform. My toilet seat is staying up. :)


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