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Cat Scratch Fever



Taking Bella to her yearly examinations is oh-so-much fun. Like many cats, she hates her carrier, hates car rides, and really hates the vet. Nevermind that her vet is very nice, gentle, and knows what she's doing. Nope, Bella will have none of it. She, um, always provides a fecal sample, shall we say? She's very clingy, and sheds all over the place. Nope, she's not a happy camper there.


Due to a clerical error, Bella didn't get her annual vaccinations at her exam, so we scheduled them for this past Friday late in the afternoon. No worries...I got her in, they poked her, we went home. Routine so far. The normally nervous Nelly usually vomits a bit after, say in the 12-24 hours after the shots. When she didn't get sick on Friday night but did a bit on Saturday morning, I was concerned but only mildly so. After a couple of rounds and a 2 hour break, she seemed ok to leave, and I did...I had to meet up with friends for lunch.


I came back in the afternoon, and as we were working together (well, I was working...she was on the bed resting), here comes another few rounds of upchucking. Oh fun. I was a bit more worried, but figured her body was still working things out.


Then at 4ish she started to come down with a fever. I'm told. I mean, her ears were bright, deep pink and hot as hell. She wasn't moving much...a bit, but just wanted to sleep it off. I kept watch pretty closely, but she just slept. At 9ish the fever broke, and I figured the worst was over. In fact, she ate some last night and this morning, so I thought, ok, it's all done, she's fine now.


Nope. This morning, after playing a bit and staring at the birdies outside, she started another round of puking. That's it...I hauled her into the vet again, and told them what all went down. "Oh, she's reacting to the vax, probably," the vet quipped...no worries. Some Benadryl and some cortisone for any inflammation and to calm her down, some kitty-Pepcid for her stomach. $65. Not bad.


Oh, and you know they say that you're not really a parent until your kid pisses on you? Well, I must now be a real cat owner; Bella pooped on me in the vet's office. Yep, I've been christened.


The rest of the day she's been comfortable. Not moving a ton, but every now and then. She's eating, but not vomiting...very good signs both. I get to go out tonight!


Still...today hasn't been that great a day. Add to it that last night's storm blew in quick, and left us with a very cold, raw, blustery day (yet sunny...), Bella's had a worse day than I have; cat's hate the wind, even if they're snug and warm inside. But she's getting better, as is her day. Or so I keep telling her.


(We won't tell her that she's going to the kennel in a couple of weeks while I go to Waikiki, right?)

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Waikiki? Sounds lovely! I'm supposed to fly back to cold and grey northern Europe in a couple of weeks (not looking forward to that) so I'm trying to enjoy the African sun as much as possible.

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