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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums
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This was rather refreshing after the last 2 hours of reading about Roman shepherding :(


How close to a degree are you now by the way?


Ps. XXI, just look at my cat :)

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Well, thank you. I am currently venturing further down the Latin avenue of my degree, which I am rather enjoying. Also, I am doing an optional module in hieroglyphic, which, although hard, I cannot really take too seriously - many because last time I studied the Egyptians, I was six!



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I finished my Magisters exam (Swedish version of a masters) about a month ago, right now I'm just writing a little and killing time as I'm going to Rome on a scholarship the 27th of March -7th of June.


And I'm desperately looking for a way to get phd which is all but impossible in Sweden :(

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I like the sound of Colin Trowel, I too give inanimate objects names, my good friends are Suzi sat-nav (she gets me from A to :P, Bobby Squasher (a very handy tool) Steve the spirit level (another handy tool) and Tommy Knocker (my trusty hammer which is believe it or not another handy tool!!!)

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