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Wake the sun



March is an amazing month here in Baghdad-By-The-Bay. The weather is either rainy (but not cold...55'F or so) or gloriously sunny. It seems like we're done with the rain for about a week, so I spent much of the mid-morning and early-afternoon outside. Bella was all too eager to join me, and was ecstatic to be outside again. I don't know who had more fun: her going all over the backyard as I cleaned up the debris from the neighborhood trees, or me playing with her. She took several naps in the sun while I read (more on the book below). After about 3 hours outside, she wanted in, so I obliged her. The rest of the day one or both doors were open, letting in the springtime air.


I got quite a bit done outside. I wanted to fertilize the plants and prune the rosemary bush. I pulled a ton of weeds that had been growing wantonly between the brickwork. My landlord keeps saying he's going to come by with weed killer, and I know he means to. But I also know he's more than got his hands full with other duties. Besides, I told him the backyard was something I somewhat wanted to keep up, so he lets me do pretty much whatever I want. Nothing major, but general upkeep. The only thing I won't do is the bar; I'll clean up my own stuff, but if the boys can't take away their dirty pint glasses, well, tough shit. I ain't their mamma. My landlord has threatened to recycle/throw away their deserted glassware...and still no action. Hmmm, maybe he and I will talk about that.


Overall this was a productive day. Along with the backyard gardening, I finally got to the 9-months' worth of paper shredding. I finished the survey that I'll send to my students, so that I can plan my private courses in the fall. I finished the biography on Marco Polo that my dad gave me (Laurence Bergreen's 2007 Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu), which I recommend very highly. It's under 400 pages, yet you get the feeling you've read a huge volume's worth of text on the great Venetian. I also did some general farting about--a luxury I was afforded having done most of the grading yesterday, and one which I haven't had in a few weeks.


Dinner even tickled my creative bone: Cajun-Asian Fritto Misto. Say what? Basically, cubed yellow squash and chicken breast are quickly marinated in a milk, vinegar, and Tabasco batter, fried, and then sprinkled with more Tabasco and soy sauce. Outfrigginstanding. Dessert was taking platanillos (the very small banana-like fruit, yellow ones which are in between a plantain and a banana in the starchy scale) and fixing them the only way I like a banana: sauteed in butter and brown sugar, with rum. No ice cream...I don't want it in the house, or else I'll eat it...particularly when I get home from teaching.


For tonight...Well, I should really start on what remains of the grading. That way, tomorrow is a domestic day, ending with the finishing of the grading and the creation of the last of this round of midterms. Then again, the Sharks are playing tonight...hmmmmm....


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Dinner even tickled my creative bone: Cajun-Asian Fritto Misto. Say what? Basically, cubed yellow squash and chicken breast are quickly marinated in a milk, vinegar, and Tabasco batter, fried, and then sprinkled with more Tabasco and soy sauce. Outfrigginstanding.


Mmmm.... When I win the Lottery, I'm thinking of asking you to come live with us here in New York. We'll pay you out of our Lottery winnings to cook for us, and you'll have plenty of time off to look for a full-time college professor position in one of our Northeastern colleges.


I don't like this changeable weather we're having. When I was a teen, I had back surgery, which brought on an early onset of arthritis in my spine. For the past four days I've been hurting real bad (it's making me extremely cranky and short-tempered). I'm on 7.5 mg of hydrocodone every six hours, which brings some relief.


I'm going to ring up the Cheesecake Factory and see if they do anything like that meal you described above. That's what I call "comfort food."


-- Nephele

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Aw....I'd totally come over to cook for you guys! I have bad knees in particular, and while I don't get to the point quite as bad as yours, there are some winter days where I'm cranky and kinda limping. Thankfully our winters here aren't that bad.

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Aw....I'd totally come over to cook for you guys! I have bad knees in particular, and while I don't get to the point quite as bad as yours, there are some winter days where I'm cranky and kinda limping. Thankfully our winters here aren't that bad.


When I win the lottery, you're hired!


I remember about your poor knees. Ouch. I guess neither one of us would make very good winter brides. I kind of pictured you as an "autumn."


-- Nephele

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Summer, baby! Well, maybe autumn. Hey, 'round these parts summer is really August, September and October (if one goes by climatology)...so maybe a bit of both?

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