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Mud and Gunge



Just now I saw a headline that a drag queen has been sentenced for sending a hoax bomb threat to a warehouse I used to work at. Quite right, but it did amuse me. Some years back the warehouse manager, DG, left her briefcase in the foyer and as an unattended suspicious package, the premises were evacuated and the army bomb disposal called in.


Well, she eventually got the boot. She also presided over another large operation that went bust later. I knew I was right about her. Am I allowed to be smug? The problem of course is that ordinary people have suffered because of her failures. Then again, aren't they the same people who made my life difficult?


Gloating over peoples misfortune isn't really admirable I suppose but since they gloated over mine, and still do, I'll sit back, arms folded, and smile annoyingly.




Splat of the Week

A British politician, Lord Mandleson, got a faceful of green gunge courtesy of airport protestors. This was merely a publicity stunt by a group of like-minded people who don't want airports, airliners, or any form of aerial tranportation to interfere or impose itself on their chosen lifestyles.


I can understand to some extent. The plans to expand Heathrow are deeply problematic and disturbing for those pushed off their land by bulldozers. Thing is though, most of these people throwing gunge and sitting on runways aren't threatened by these expanion plans are they? Like nuclear disarmers, globally warm protestors, animal righters, and whatever other group is fighting the good fight, they just want a cause to fight for. Something to give their lives meaning.


Years ago after a performance in Bristol, a member of the audience approached me and asked how to join the animal rights movement. I hadn't any idea and told him so, but the impression I got was that he wasn't a caring animal loving type person. More like someone who wanted to cause some trouble and needed a good cause as an excuse, to make it right.


Somehow, I kinda think gunge in someones face isn't really going to change the need for more runways, is it?


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