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Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life



Wheeeeeeeeeeee! Spamalot is coming to San Francisco!!! Oh how I've waited for this to happen! When Las Vegas got a hold of it, the deal was that the producers wouldn't show any version of it west of that happening light-tropolis, so that we would have to go to the desert and get bamboozled just to see our silly English knnnnnnnnnnigits. But no! I did not give in to temptation! (Mostly because Vegas doesn't do much for me.) And now I, like many others, have been richly rewarded--Spamalot will be at the Golden Gate Theater for 6 weeks!!!! Yippee!!!!! Maybe I should dress as Zoot, Just Zoot for the occasion, or her twin sister, Dingo. Or perhaps I'll turn my neighbor Hank into a newt...oh, he'll get better. But come hell or high water, I'm going to see Spamalot!


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I wanted to see Spamalot when David Hyde Pierce was in it here in New York, but I never got around to it. Damn. However, I did catch a glimpse of DHP and Hank Azaria when they came out the backstage door of the theater one night.


Pics taken in June of 2005:


David Hyde Pierce (Sir Robin)



Hank Azaria (Sir Lancelot)


-- Nephele

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