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Beautiful Day



As I drove to work yesterday, the sun slid over the eastern horizon like a welcomed old friend. Sure, it was quite a bit cooler at night than it had been lately, but the daytime temps creeped up towards an almost spring-like level. Welcome to February in the San Francisco Bay Area--it could be pouring, or it could be brilliantly sunny.


Mt. Hamilton has a few specs of snow on its cap, which should go away before our next blast of precipitation this weekend. People were outside, sunning their faces a bit. Gotta get that 20 minutes in, folks, so that the body can generate Vitamin D. Even I forewent my usual gym routine, opting instead to walk along the Guadalupe River Park here downtown. I have walked the northern half several times, which leads you to the Mineta San Jose International Airport, but haven't walked very far south before. I forgot how well it was landscaped! There were tons of Canadian geese (grrrrrrr) taking a swim, trying to shoo away the ducks from entering 'their' space in the river.


Even my night class folk seemed more chipper than usual--which is saying something, as they tend to have even more energy than I do. They were raring to go last night, and in fact wore me out. I was in bed by 11 again, which is so unlike me.


This morning I slept in, and awoke to the fact that our jackass state Legislature finally passed a stinking budget (no, I'm not pissed off about this, nor bitter, nuh uh, no way, can't prove it) and that the Governator will sign it this morning. I know that there will be cuts that will hurt, but at least now we know what the hell they are. It just took them 6 months to figure it out. So I guess now we can get on with our lives, get out of limbo, and work on making life better.


And look! The sun's out!


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