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Dante's Inferno Test



I normally don't do tests like this, but this one was just too good to pass up.


Funny I only scored "moderate" as a heretic, when I'm not even Christian! B)


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!


Fifth Level of Hell


The river Styx runs through this level of Hell, and in it are punished the wrathful and the gloomy. The former are forever lashing out at each other in anger, furious and naked, tearing each other piecemeal with their teeth. The latter are gurgling in the black mud, slothful and sullen, withdrawn from the world. Their lamentations bubble to the surface as they try to repeat a doleful hymn, though with unbroken words they cannot say it. Because you lived a cruel, vindictive and hateful life, you meet your fate in the Styx.


Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level | Score

Purgatory | Very Low

Level 1 - Limbo | Low

Level 2 | High

Level 3 | High

Level 4 | High

Level 5 | High

Level 6 - The City of Dis | Moderate

Level 7 | High

Level 8- the Malebolge | High

Level 9 - Cocytus | Low


Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html

Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv


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Apparently, the Sixth Level of Hell is warming a seat just for me...


The Dante's Inferno Test has banished you to the Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis!


Sixth Level of Hell - The City of Dis

You approach Satan's wretched city where you behold a wide plain surrounded by iron walls. Before you are fields full of distress and torment terrible. Burning tombs are littered about the landscape. Inside these flaming sepulchers suffer the heretics, failing to believe in God and the afterlife, who make themselves audible by doleful sighs. You will join the wicked that lie here, and will be offered no respite. The three infernal Furies stained with blood, with limbs of women and hair of serpents, dwell in this circle of Hell.



Here is how you matched up against all the levels:

Level | Score

Purgatory | Very Low

Level 1 - Limbo | Very Low

Level 2 | High

Level 3 | Very High

Level 4 | Moderate

Level 5 | Very High

Level 6 - The City of Dis | Very High

Level 7 | High

Level 8- the Malebolge | High

Level 9 - Cocytus | Moderate


Level descriptions: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-information.html

Take the test: http://www.4degreez.com/misc/dante-inferno-test.mv


-- Nephele

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Second Level of Hell


You have come to a place mute of all light, where the wind bellows as the sea does in a tempest. This is the realm where the lustful spend eternity. Here, sinners are blown around endlessly by the unforgiving winds of unquenchable desire as punishment for their transgressions. The infernal hurricane that never rests hurtles the spirits onward in its rapine, whirling them round, and smiting, it molests them. You have betrayed reason at the behest of your appetite for pleasure, and so here you are doomed to remain. Cleopatra and Helen of Troy are two that share in your fate.



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Level 1 - Limbo




Charon ushers you across the river Acheron, and you find yourself upon the brink of grief's abysmal valley. You are in Limbo, a place of sorrow without torment. You encounter a seven-walled castle, and within those walls you find rolling fresh meadows illuminated by the light of reason, whereabout many shades dwell. These are the virtuous pagans, the great philosophers and authors, unbaptised children, and others unfit to enter the kingdom of heaven. You share company with Caesar, Homer, Virgil, Socrates, and Aristotle. There is no punishment here, and the atmosphere is peaceful, yet sad.

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Fourth Level of Hell




Just before the river Styx is the Fourth Level of Hell. Here, the prodigal and the avaricious suffer their punishment, as they roll weights back and forth against one another. You will share eternal damnation with others who either wasted and lived greedily and insatiably, or who stockpiled their fortunes, hoarding everything and sharing nothing. Plutus, the wolf-like demon of wealth, dwells here.

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Sixth level. Not bad.

Or very bad.


Hey, you're in the same level with me, Kosmo! I'm starting to think that maybe where you get sent in Hell is based on your most heinous "sin" -- and it seems to me that atheists get relegated to the Sixth Level. Can you prove/disaprove this theory of mine by saying whether or not you are atheist?


-- Nephele

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