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Mr. Sandman



Maybe it's the weather, maybe it's the return to waking up at the butt-crack of dawn after 5 days to the contrary, but today I'm beat. I can't seem to stay awake. When driving up to work this morning, I could feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier. Once I pulled into the parking lot, I had an extra 20 minutes, so I took a quick nap in the car. It did me well for quite a while, but now I'm in office hours having the same problem. However, unlike earlier, I don't have time for a nap, as I leave for a meeting right after office hours, and then off to teach a private course.


I purposely put some little candies in my lunchbag, knowing I'd probably need the extra energy; it hasn't done much. I can't drink caffinated beverages anymore, so no leaded coffee for me, or I'll get the shakes and heart palpitations something terrible. What I really need is a place to curl up for 20 minutes, but I don't know that it'll be possible. Maybe if my meeting doesn't go long I can catnap before class. Then again, it might be a while before that happens.


There are some 50 of us part-time instructors in my division, and an incredibly small work office with three computer desks for us to use. Thankfully in the library there is an 'adjunct station' (our official title is 'adjunct instructor/professor'), and that's where I set up shop for office hours. Full use of a computer, printer and phone...a big desk to use...the only thing lacking is privacy. So when I need to talk to a student privately, I have to hope that one of the private study rooms is available; thankfully very few students come to office hours at all, let alone to ask private questions. But right now an office of my own would be wonderful; I could close the door, grab a pillow, and catch 40 winks. Or 5. Whichever I had time for.


In the meantime, I get up and strech every 10 minutes or so; I've taken a short stroll around the desk. I might have to resort to doing jumping jacks in a minute, if I'm not careful. But I can feel the grains of sleep that Mr. Sandman is trying to pour over me, and this is one helluva battle I'm fighting. Maybe I can hold out...yes, I think I can...I...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


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This reminds me of the last episode of The Office. (American version. I either watch them on the website, or wait for the DVD.)


In the episode, the office workers are giving a birthday party to Kelley. (Make sure you spell her name with an "ey" on that birthday cake!)


Everyone in the office gets a special "theme" when his or her birthday celebration rolls around. For Kelley's special, customized birthday "theme," she gets a Chiclet as part of the decoration on her birthday cake.


"Why is there a Chiclet on my cake?" she asks suspiciously. Jim explains that the rectangular shape of the Chiclet represents Kelley's two choices for her special birthday dispensation from the office -- a pillow or a television. She can choose either to watch an hour of television, or she can choose to take an hour-long nap.


"Pick TV." advises Kevin. "Watching TV at work is really cool." Nope, Kelley explains that she's been watching TV all week. She chooses the nap.


A pillow is placed on the floor under the table in the conference room, the conference room lights are switched off, and Kelley happily snuggles down.


Kelley's final, blissfully happy words in that scene are: "I'm too excited to sleep!"


-- Nephele

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Hah! I wasn't! I got my third wind yesterday in time to meet with my colleague and teach my class. I got home, took a 30 minute nap before I had to work on dinner (steak salad) and virtual office hours...where I proceeded to doze off and on while the Sharks game was on (Yay! They won 4-2!). Thankfully no one came online for help. I fell asleep for good at 10:40 (way earlier than my usual 11:30ish), and cruised through until 6am. On the flip side, I am way more awake today.


And the sun is shining!!!! :D:D

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