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The Lurve Fest



Over the weekend we had that inevitable media circus that is Valentines Day. I have to be honest, the search for lurve was quiet this year, and as far as I'm aware there wasn't much on tv apart from the usual late-night adverts for mobile phone fantasies. Yes, there were some groups of drunken girls squealing at every suprise as they do. A group of adolescents chanting and beating their chests in a display intended to impress us with their manliness. Heard it all before lads. Sorry.


For some people, it isn't a fantasy. In the news lately is a 15 year old girl who has been made pregnant by her 13 year old partner. If that wasn't bad enough, two more 13 year old boys have stepped forward and claimed they are the father. One gets the impression the girl isn't entirely virtuous (she claims there's no-one else), or that the boys are trying to compete for status. For them I suspect its all a bit of a fun thing. It will be until the bills stack up and the kid keeps on crying.


There's been comment before about how teen magazines encourage their readers to dip their toe in the adult world, that such behaviour is normal, admirable, and whats wrong with you if you can't? A part of me thinks these magazines should pay toward the upkeep of their lurve child.


Mission of the Week

In Norway people are rushing to store 100,000 species of crop seeds from potential extinction. Is it just me, or is it the fact these species (most of which were created by us anyway) are no longer commercially grown just a small pointer to Darwins Theory of Evolution? Survival of the fittest. If Kellogs doesn't make cornflakes from it, it's going to die out. So come on Norway, stop storing these seed packets like rabid collectors and start making lots of breakfast cereals.


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There was a news report last night highlighting the numbers of teenagers displaying erotic photographs of themselves on websites at their own volition. It ain't healthy.


I wish you good luck on your search for a decent bloke. I have a suspicion though that, women being women, you might get a little bored when you find him. In my exerience women like violent or caddish blokes because a - They're more confident/interesting to be with, b - because there's a safety factor in being with dominant men, and c - they tend to be wealthier.


I know this to be true. When I bought my first italianate sportscar all those years ago, I suddenly got interest from the ladies. Not because they liked the car (they didn't, it was a body part extender as far as they were concerned) but because it suggested I had money. Eventually they noticed my trainers were grubbier than most peoples and wandered off with someone else.

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Nah, that's not quite it. We straight women (I can't speak for the lesbians) go for the right bastards because we confuse jackassery for confidence. We want a strong man who won't wilt. At some point most of us clue into this fallacy and wake up. I know I did...however, I can't seem to shake the weak-willed "I'll do anything for you...whatever you wish" backbone-less types, and I'm not the only one.


Although I won't deny that there are many of my fair sex who see the Italianate sportscar and drool at the prospect at the means by which said bloke bought the toy, hoping there's more fundage where that came from. I, on the other hand, would be drooling at the car :D

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