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Opening Time Is....



I dropped down to the library this morning... Whaddaya mean you thought I might?.... anyway, I turned up a little earlier than normal and although the foyer was open, the rest of the building was closed off with a folding door. The security guards religiously open this barrier three minutes after opening time, every day. This morning it seems even that task was too onerous. No guard was in sight.


Eventually a pair of librarirans bravely decided to open for business. They went into the small room to find the keys (a sure sign they hadn't clue what to do) and emerged to insert the key into the door, which remained resolutely locked.


"You've broken it" I said. (You can tell I was in that sort of mood can't you?)


"Yes" Said the librarian struggling to free the door from its latch, "I have".


Sigh. Its going to be one of those days.


One Of Those Days Of The Week

At last! They managed to get the door open. A veritable rush of frustrated internet browsers surged forward and up the stairs. When I dusted myself off and chose a PC, I discover they were all switched off. Erm... Excuse me?... Are you going to switch these PC's on?


"Oh dear" Said the librarian, "I thought it was a bit quiet."


No kidding.


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