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Cold Winds



There's a very cold wind blowing through the trees of Rushey Platt. Cold air from Russia has blown in and already the weather reports are warning of severe conditions. The AA have advised motorists to take warm clothing with them as gale force winds and drifts of heavy snow are expected. The reverse is going on in Australia right now, where winds from the continents interior are blowing hot air over the coastal regions where everybody lives.


There's going to be comment about Global Warming of course. People will say carbon dioxide is to blame and that cars must be banned to stop these freak weather conditions from happening. But then, I had to give up driving last yearand now the weather has gotten worse? Obviously the sports car is not the villain we think it is.


We like the weather to be predictable, not this mobile disaster area sweeping across the land. It seems people are only happy when life is the same from day to day. They like the monotony, the familiarity of the same old pattern, the certainty of the same old things. Not me. I like some variation. So today... lets see... what can I do today?.... oh stuff it, I'm off down the library.


The Tale of the Library Whistler

Once upon a time, in a library far far away, there was a person who made just a little bit too much noise. The Wicked Witch of the Library turned him in into a newt, and all the public at the library remained silent and happy. All was quiet until yesterday, when a young man, rash and headstrong, decided he would whistle as he browsed the internet. The Wicked Witch had long since retired, so the young man thought himself safe. The security guards were roused from their slumber. They talked into their radios then shrugged. So eventually a policeman came and took the young man away.


Times have certainly changed. I blame the wind. Luckily Mr Policeman stopped the young man before he broke his.


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