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"Trust Sicknote to get in the way... Should have stayed in bed..." Muttered AM as he shuffled past on his crutches. Was that comment directed at me? AM doesn't like me very much. Back in the days when the library was at its temporary hut, he had his favourite PC and used to bully people off it when he came in. He tried that with me once... "Come on, Mate, didn't you see my name on the screen?" No, I didn't, because it wasn't there and I couldn't have logged on if it was. And then I had to repeat the argument when two well-intentioned librarians had been recruited by the man to kick me off.


Now of course the library is busier, and he can't push people off PC's like he used to. But Sicknote? For those unacquainted with British Commonwealth culture, thats a nickname applied to those who avoid onerous duty (or any duty at all) by pretending ill health when they're clearly fighting fit. Is AM suggesting that as an unemployed person I'm also claiming extra benefits for ill-health when I don't deserve it? Thats what a lot of people on the dole do, but not me. I'm miffed. Especially since AM clearly used to be the sort of soldier who shirked duty in his youth and was mouthy enough to get away with it. That smirk you see on his face when he succeeds in pulling the wool over peoples eyes is a little obvious.


They say old soldiers never die. They're not wrong.


Don't You Just Love Wildlife?

I went to bed late last night, and settled in for a good snooze. Almost immediately an urban fox somewhere out the back started yelping. It made aconsiderable racket and it simply wouldn't stop. Please Mr Landlord, can I buy an air rifle? That way I shut the thing up. And whilst I'm at it, maybe those late night drunks proclaiming football team affiliation and advertising their manliness. Perhaps not. I doubt the Police would let me out of doors again. Go on then Mr Fox, yelp away.... Don't care... zzzzzzz


Drama of the Week

Drama and excitement right under my own nose. A gas appliance being fitted to a property up the road caught fire. Fire engines rushed to put out the blaze, Police blocked off the road. And I was blissfully unaware as I whiled away the hours tapping on my PC keyboard at home. I need to get out more. Assuming the Police let me that is.


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