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It's About Time...



Well now, it seems I've been neglecting my poor little blog over here in the corner...


I went to see my Dad and the rest of my family for Thanksgiving, that was fun :D I got tons of cool stuff while I was there. Early Christmas presents, because we didn't know if I would be able to make it for Christmas (our weather turns nasty in the winter). I painted Christmas balls for my dad and my aunt, I couldn't post them before in case they happened to wander across this site...but at some point I will. I got a really cool sword and dagger from my dad, and a few other things, namely very nice clothes and a terrycloth bathrobe (which I love). I got to spend time with my Aunt Patty and my little cousin Jenny (who is not so little anymore but still my little cousin..and also an amazing singer BTW does plays and such and sings every chance she gets). I stumbled into an amazing prom dress, which my mom-mom got me for Christmas and my Aunt got me shoes to match. I'm very happy about it, I can't believe the circumstances under which we obtained it :D


I've gotten a new art program, as you have probably been noticing I've been uploading a very large number of pictures in the last few days...apparently some of you really like my work as well :) though it still has some problems I'm hoping to improve. At first I was upset that it wasn't GIMP but once I started actually using it, I've found that the features it does have are much better used, with much more control, and I can do things I could never do with the other program. I can't do as much funky stuff, but what I can do is much better quality, so I am quite pleased with it. The new miracle program is paint.NET if anyone is interested. The methods necessary for some features are a little backwards from what you would expect, but the results seem to be top notch :) Of course, it isn't as good as something like PhotoShop but for a free program downloaded in just a few minutes, its great (and it isn't as...quirky...as GIMP either. It runs much better...knock on wood...doesn't take as long to DL and set up either). So...yea...I'm back to late nights of making avatars and banners I'll never use but I love playing around with it...just to see what I can do :D


I can't believe it's Wednesday night already...these days off of school have really thrown me off...not that I'm complaining. When I actually think it's Wednesday it will be Friday...and I'll be pleasantly surprised :D


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