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In a blaze of media exposure - and no shortage of publicity by BBC News - we finally know who is to be David Tennants replacement as Dr Who. For those who don't know its... ah.... Who?


They chose an actor who despite having leading roles in the past is pretty well unknown. A non-entity? Well, personally, I'm hugely miffed the BBC didn't demand and beg me to play the role. I am after all fully qualified. I turn up, I pull rabbits out of hats, then fade into nonethingness as someone else gets promoted instead. I am the Dr Who of Warehousing.


So where's my buxom assistant then? I'm waiting.....


Cavalry Bugle of the Week

Our much-despised prime minister, Gordon Brown, has announced he's going to create 100,000 new jobs. Brilliant. Except who's going to pay the wages? The economy is on the brink of collapse, people haven't got the money to buy anything, and he's going to wave a magic wand when he plans to increase taxes even further and foist an expensive olympics upon us. It's lunacy. The only way to support these jobs is more taxes. Boy does he love spending other peoples money. If we had any.


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