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Heyyyyyy I'm Drunk



So I'm totally wasted, and I feel like writing something. I'm not drunk because it's New Year's, I'm drunk because I had to spend my New Year's Eve with in-laws and I find that I'm far more indifferent with some beer and liquor in me than I would be otherwise. That's only half of the reason though, the other half is that I've decided to be a drunk while read a giant tome of four Ernest Hemingway novels that I picked up at Barnes and Noble for a fucking pittance. The idea might be ridiculous or it might just be the best way to read a drunk's literature.


Usually, I'd put away a 6-pack of beer in a week at the most. With my affinity for microbrews and Belgian style beers, you'd think that I'd be drinking a lot of beer. Well, you'd be right, but again, that's only half the story. I've been drinking a lot of whiskey and rum, straight up and in cocktails. Early morning projectile vomiting during my younger years had instilled in me a great nauseating aversion to the mere whiff of any liquor. However, after a decade or so, I have been de-conditioned. I find that not only can I tolerate the flavour of a fine liquor, I can lucidly pay attention to it's flavor and appreciate the reasons why one merits a greater cost than another. I'm also a big fan of mead. The drier, the better.


A strange side-effect has been that I am becoming much more motivated... something that has been seriously lacking in my life since I more than doubled my income by working for our joke of a government. If you thought Catch 22 was just humorous fiction, then you really don't understand the severity of the situation. Anyways, motivation for long neglected projects in addition to entrepreneurial ideas have been welling forth recently, which sort of frightens me. It's definitely something I want and need, but I don't plan on drinking like this for more than a few weeks...


Aaaaannnd you may recognize this as the song from the Geico commercial :D


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Do you have a honkin' huge headache today?


I enjoyed that video. It seemed to me to be a sort of orderly surrealism -- and the apparent contradiction in that makes it even more appealing.


-- Nephele

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Nope, I haven't had a hangover yet. :) I usually drink just enough and I also drink a couple glasses of water before I go to sleep.


The video is definitely one of the better ones that I've seen, it makes you think.

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Very cool video! That's really imaginative...wonder how 'they' came up with that idea?


I think there's something relaxing about sitting and philosophizing with a drink or two. Ok, maybe it's just reading sometimes, but it relaxes you, and I think it let's your mind wander. Maybe that's really what's going on. Either way, enjoy!

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