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Cheers. Incidentially....


For Interesting People Who Do Know

The Mille Miglia is a race that is of course one thousand miles long, not kilometres. Congratulations to everyone who got that right and knew something about classic motor racing, always a subject to fire the blood.


Happy New Year Reassessed

Good grief they're all at it. Gaza is turing into a bombing range, Democratic Republic of Congo is a warzone, Sudan don't know the meaning of peaceful communication, and... Well I'm sure there's plenty of other armed struggles in the world. Come on guys, stop fighting, go out and get merry. Its fun. But I suppose you'll only get violent when you get drunk....

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Not to mention that you're not allowed to drink in many of those areas (I didn't know Muhammed had an issue with alcohol...I mean, the word itself is derived from Arabic...).


I often thought, what would happen if for one week everyone got along? I mean everyone...no wars, no conflicts, no misunderstandings, no tempers flaring...just people living side-by-side civilly. It blows my mind, really, that this can't be done. Proof positive that we're not the 'ultimate race', that humans are flawed and there's a better version to come in the future. But, hey, for now, let's get this party rockin'!

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Without war, our species would wither, sadly. War is an extension of our animal behaviour, in that rival packs compete for survival, and in fact our nearest genetic neighbour, the chimpanzee, has been observed conducted border patrols and raids into 'enemy territory' just like we do. The struggle for survival improves our agility, senses, strength, and violent potential in a darwinian natural selection, though some might argue in modern war the scale of killing has the opposite effect.


Either way, we group ourselves for mutual protection and benefit, and vioklence is a primary method in nature of achieving your ends, so like it or not, we humans will carry on fighting.


The view that human beings are the highest form of life is something deep in our psyche and a point the Romans displayed in the arenas for public entertainment. Of course we're not, we're simply the end result of one strand of evolution and not guaranteed a place at the top of a food chain. Is anything better to come? Who can say? But to emerge as a dominant species probably doesn't require enlightened behaviour.


Anyway, thats enough philosophising. Its absolutely perishing cold in Britain right now, doom and gloom in the news, but Rushey Platt is on party alert. Have a good one everybody. :)

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