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Excuse me if this blog rambles. I'm mothered.

Myself and a very good friend of mine decided to make this christmas a Heavy Metal Christmas (throw your horns up!!). We donned our favourite, mankiest metal t shirts, mine a tatty, holey Slayer jobbie, my friend's a Motorhead T shirt that is still resplendent with bloodstains from the last time Motorhead visited these shores. We dug out the doc martens and the chuck taylors. Only music of the metal ilk could grace our stereo; Slayer, Motorhead, Chimaira, Sepultura, Helmet, Sabbath. It has been a very beautiful thing. Heads were banged, people: Heads were banged. We bought ourselves a whole keg of Steinlager, a very potent local brew. It's been two days now since Christmas, and we're almost there. I can see three blurry keyboards in front of me as I write, and I'm quite proud of how many spelling mistakes I haven't made.

Have a very, very Beery Pissedmas, and a happy New Year all of my friends at UNRV.


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I am slowly turning on a spit over The Fiery Pit of Envy, the flames of "Wish I'd Been There Too!" licking at my smouldering heart.


Bro', you had a CHRISTMAS! Wheeee! Sounds like the only thing missing was a mosh pit.


-- Sis

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Sis, it's now four days after Christmas and the keg has been conquered, but not without casualties (cue mournful trumpet for fallen brothers!)

We had a mosh pit - four of us going hard.

Your christmas sounded pretty cool, too, sis! Tasteful in comparison!

Rockettes have got nothing on hot goth chicks. It's like comparing Lady-freaking-Gaga to Alicia Keys; no contest!


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