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School, A Dread

Sextus Roscius


Ah school, were you go to learn and socialize, but, I dread this place unlike my usual enthusiasm for learning (well at least compared to my peers) becuase of something scary that takes place tomorrow.


I go back to school from my wonderful 5 day vacation, 4 of which I spent up in michigan where it snowed and I had a great time. 1 of those days on vacation I spent in a car if you total the to and from times. So, I came back from the trip, and thoughts of school and friends came rushing back to my mind, and I realized that I had the most dreaded task (at least for me), Gym class.


Gym class at my school is taken to a new level of annoyance becuase:

a. I'm not very athletic, not fat, just I don't like sports much.

b. Our Gym teacher Coach Byle loves to make you do warm ups for ever, and I mean literaly 30 of the 45 minutes of class.

c. A long, hard to make trip from the Gymnasium to latin class that comes imediatly after.

d. Being sweaty for a entire class period

e. having to do lots of work when I'm still waking up at 8:30 am


So to conclude, I'm going to be in a foul mood for a few days, if not a few weeks. At least I've got my birth day to look forward to on Saturday.

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Wow, you predicament seems like mine with the exception that I like gym class because we absolutely are the worse PE class in the entire school, we only mess around and its hard for our Coach Berger to controll us. Oh by the way, how far are you into Latin.

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