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Its Raining...



They gave a weather warning last night. Heavy rain expected. They weren't kidding. I was woken by the cascade of water on the roof during the early hours. This morning I had to don waterproofs to walk down the road to the library and thats after the rain had eased somewhat. What a difference from yesterday when I was out on my hike. Here's a sample of the weather...


Pic of the Day

This ones a view of Coate Water in the cold December sunshine. Notice the ice on the surface. Coate Water is a reservoir built in the 18th century to supply the canals built through Swindon and is now a local beauty spot.



Job Losses of the Week

My prediction about Woolworths appears to be coming true. After 500 already made redundant, another 700 job losses in the supply chain were announced yesterday. Chin up guys, I know exactly how you're feeling.


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