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Going Down For The Third Time



Woolworths are closing. After nearly a century of trading on the High Street the grand old name is to vanish, unless someone pulls a rescue package together. London and Rochdale sites have already laid off staff, and it won't be long before the Swindon site does too. Somehow I doubt I'll get a job there anyway - I know of manager of old and she doesn't want me working there - but with hundreds of warehouse personnel on the market my job search isn't getting any easier.


Weather Report

Our first snow fall this year. It caught me by suprise, because whenever we get a decent layer of snow I always wake up to a sort of pink glow through the curtains. Not so this time, because the snow amounted to several snowflakes less. hey, its a start.


Put Down of the Week

Our revered Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, was lambasted in the House of Commons a day or two ago for telling politicians that he was 'saving the world'. Ho ho ho. Now his financial policies have been lambasted by the Germans who agree with me, that while everyone else is recovering from the recession Britain will be weighed down by debt. I've been saying that for years.


Curriculum of the Week

I do hear that the government is planning to change the school curriculum. History and geography are out, computers are in. Maybe it's just me, but isn't that because the teachers don't know anything about history or geography? What is the point of teaching kids to use computers? They're not actually going to learn anything, it's just a way of keeping their attention, which indicates yet another failure of modern teachers. In other words, we're about to create a generation of brainless mouse-clickers who don't know anything about their own country, don't know about anyone elses, and who think the internet is a reliable soure of information.


It's a triumph of ignorance.


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