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And now for the Top Gear Top Tip...



...if you wait long enough, the latest installment of your favorite Brit show will be on BBC America. But it might take a while.


That's right, folks, series 11 starts showing here in the States on Monday...except that I'll be teaching, getting home just in time to watch the very very last episode of "Boston Legal," my absolute favorite show on TV right now. 2 hour finale, starts as I get out of class, so I'll be missing the first half hour or so.


Only a couple more weeks, and then I'll have my weeknights to myself, if only for 5 weeks.


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I've never seen Boston Legal. How did the final episode go? Are there any seasons out on DVD? DVD is how I usually catch up on teevee shows. Right now I'm into the recently released (last week) third season DVD of Bones, a show I'm absolutely nuts about.


My philosophy is: If you wait long enough, everything eventually comes out on DVD.


-- Nephele

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I believe the first 2 or 3 seasons of BL are on DVD...this final season is #4...although the funny part is that because The Powers That Be have shuffled it around all over the viewing week and even put it on hiatus a few times, it seems like the show has been on for much longer. Oh well.


The last episode is this coming Monday...full report then!

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