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Oh to be Edina Monsoon



Quite honestly, there were two spot-on sitcoms of the 90s which turned the excesses and pretentiousness of the 80s on their ears. One was Seinfeld, the other was Absolutely Fabulous. And I love them both.


Admittedly, I love AbFab, and will continue to watch it on BBC America or Comedy Central whenever it's on. There are various stand-out episodes which seems to rise above the other exemplary episodes of the series. But the one which seems to come on right before my family gets together is when Eddie and Pats go off to France to 'get away from everything'...of course, neither one really looks at a map, neither one speaks French, and Saffie (and Bubble, natch) have to come in and save the day. Perhaps the most hilarious part is when [ur]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6r_JnGUexsw]Eddie and Pats go wine tasting at the chateau[/url]. Not only is the scene typical of Edina Monsoon and Patricia Stone, it's just damned funny.


My family and I have a history with wine, a good one. Mom comes from a long line of bartenders; Dad sold wine (and eventually spirits) for a couple of major distributors. I've imbibed from the fruit of the vine since a babe. Every time we get together the wine flows.


Ok, this time the episode didn't air before Thanksgiving, and I had to look it up on YouTube. On the other hand, my friend and I are about to go wine tasting here in town at an enoteca (I love how people must say a fancy foreign word for a basic concept...it's a wine bar, folks!). Thank God light rail takes me there, and it's a 2 block walk from my house...I have a feeling we're going to be reinacting this scene, albeit with much less expensive wine.


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Quite honestly, there were two spot-on sitcoms of the 90s which turned the excesses and pretentiousness of the 80s on their ears. One was Seinfeld, the other was Absolutely Fabulous. And I love them both.


Make that three spot-on sitcoms -- as Frasier was right up there, too. In fact, I would even go so far as to say that the Crane Boys were the screamingly hilarious epitome of excess and pretentiousness -- whether they were attending wine-tasting events, or viciously competing with each other for the coveted (and ridiculous) title of "Cork Master" in their wine club.


But I loved Ab Fab, too. Every summer in NYC when we have the Gay Pride Parade, there's always at least one drag queen dressed up as Patsy, strutting his stuff down 5th Avenue. The Parade just wouldn't be right, without a Patsy.


Did you catch the Ab Fab episode when Patsy and Edina come to NYC? In the scene where Edina gets her belly button pierced, that was filmed in St Mark's Place (one of my favorite areas).


-- Nephele

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LOL I forgot about Frasier...how could I? And, yes, I love that NYC episode...one of the classics.


In no particular order, my favorite AbFab episodes include:

--French chateau

--Eddie has an ingrown toenail and *must* go to the hospital...Patsy goes in because she's in need of plastic surgery before her photo shoot with Hello! (or some such mag)

--Patsy has to go on morning TV (and oh hell yes Dawn French nails the morning TV host role) for a fashion bit

--Saffie has a DNA show...or does she?

--Eddie turns 40 (50-therapy anyone?)


And a whole host of others...hmmmm...what's on tv now...

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