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Ends of Rainbows



More developments under way in Swindon. There's something peculiar going on. Our old hospital was pulled down a couple of years ago and a new one built two or thee miles out in the country. The old police station was pulled down more or less at the same time and that too has been replaced by a station miles out in the country. Doesn't anyone want to work in Swindon any more? Or is this some fiendish plot to get people to use buses?


An article in our local paper unveiled plans for the redevelopment of the police station site. It was pretty much what you'd expect, glass towers and wide paved boulevards so beloved of planners. I had to laugh though. The article also proudly boasted that "Swindon could be the Sheffield of the South!"


Yeah. Ok. Surely though a town wth vision and plans for the future really ought to be calling itself the "Swindon of the South"? In any case, Swindon has been reinventing itself since the 1970's and is still only known for an odd roundabout in the town centre. My guess is that in twenty years it'll be known as "Eyesore of the South".


Reminds me of a Simpsons episode... Hang on... Didn't they once try to get Swindon a monorail? Who's that guy in the blazer and hat running for the railway station with a suitcase stuffed with money?


Job Offer of the Week

I've been sent an email by some company about a job offer. They want me to be a part time regional representative, working from home, earning


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