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More About Changes For The Worse



I wonder what would happen if the worlds population was decimated by a sudden deadly plague? Its not a pleasant thought. Without the restrictions of an ordered society, opportunism and lawlessness would rapidly take hold. A guy I knew at work once told me that since he knew all about nature and the wilderness and stuff, come the revolution he would survive. You know what? I doubt it. He might have an advantage - assuming he really does know something, and assuming he's actually had some practice at exploiting that knowledge - but even that doesn't guarantee survival. I told him that.


As I write this I'm watching the opening episode of Survivors. Its a glossy remake of a budget 70's series that explored just this scenario. To be honest, I struggled to stay interested. The characters were so two dimensional that I now truly believe the world is flat. To compensate for the lack of depth, the actors played their roles in a painfully dramatic fashion, with an overbearing music score that seemed very familiar. It was opera, like so many recent BBC productions. Plenty of style and movement but remember to switch your brain off.


I still prefer the original series. It may be stilted and a little wooden to our modern sensibilities, but at least it went beyond the comic book level of sophistication. Actually, this new series has all the same production values as the frankenstein monster that is the new Dr Who. Or just about every tv drama the BBC have trailers for. Someone ought to tell Auntie Beeb that some of us are getting bored with the same old formula.


Offer of the Week

Now I don't have any personal transport, walking from place to place is pretty well essential. The government will probably shake their heads and point out that public transport exists. Yes it does, but public it isn't. Its commercial transport, and for that I have to pay. Correct change only please. Since I generally go where bus routes are mythological, I have to take care of my survival and dress appropriately. British weather being what it is. Well whadaya know... I'm living out my very own Survivors.


Perhaps the BBC ought to save money and film me. It'll be just as dull and they can always add a strong music score to liven the mood. At least then I'll be able to afford bus fares and make a living on game shows. Hey, just a thought. Mull it over.


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