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Something unusual made the headlines in the local paper recently. It seems our new library has given state-of-the-art facilities. 'Green' toilets - as if that means anything to me. Now I don't usually spend much time in public toilets (although I understand that is one way to get your name in the news - thanks for the tip George) and I haven't seen these new facilities. However, just like the previous locations, the locals have been creative in using them and so the after a few weeks the toilets have been closed 'Due to misuse'.


Given what I used to see in warehouses, I can just imagine. I am so tempted to recall the tale of AW and his 'flappy paddle appendage', but I suspect I've said enough. Let your imagination run riot. You're not wrong.


Driver of the Week

Goes to the gentleman who quietly and gently turned the wrong way down a one way high street in Swindon and seemed completely unpeturbed, albeit somewhat mystified, by the rows of traffic coming straight at him gesticulating angrily. I have a suspicion he's not from around here...


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Hopefully he wasn't an American...


"Flappy paddle appendage"...that had me laughing for a good 2 minutes, and giggling for quite a bit more! Talk about a phrase that'll kill the mood....

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No, you can sleep safe at night, AW was british. Fairly typical of a working class moron I'm afraid. Incidentially, have you not heard of the british 'Baby Elephant' impression? Its a real wow at parties :D

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