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He's Ba-ack....



Yep, its AM. He's sat two cubicles away from me in the library as I write this and whinging away like nothing else.


Mutter mutter.. groan... can't send my emails... stupid computer.... why won't this work.... oh no.... not again.... mutter mutter....


Funny thing is, some unemployed guy, older than me and obviously unacquainted with personal computing, was getting help making a job application via the internet. AM looked over his shoulder irritably A - because they were disturbing his whinging time and B - because the other guy was getting attention.


Eventually the unemployed guy and the patuiently helpful library assistant went away.


"Making noise like that, disturbing us when we're trying to do our emails", He hissed angrily, "No ettiquete at all".


You have to laugh.


Laugh of the Week

Goes to Syria's response to american forces mounting a raid on their territory. "Terrorist agression" they denounce it as. Well, it seems to me that the american raid was targeted precisely to achieve a single objective, which they seem to have succeeded at. Terrorism is more indiscriminate and lets be honest, Syria has never shown any qualms about harbouring such people. I know some people are going to point at this action and denounce the US as throwing its weight around (like the critics always do), but since the US has suffered thousands of casualties trying to restore peace in Iraq (whatever the political motives) you can hardly blame them for attempting to cut off the enemies recruitment office. I think Syria needs to realise America was serious when it declared 'War On Terror'


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